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This is an 1861 copy of “Cavalry Tactics or Regulations for the Instruction, Formations, and Movements, of the Cavalry of the Army and Volunteers of the United States” by Phillip St. George Cooke, Colonel 2nd US Cavalry. This is cloth-bound with the spine missing, and signatures consequently, but apparently all there, and showing wear and stains to the covers, all indicating it was carried in the field and saw some use. This is Volume 2 of the set, dealing with “Evolutions of a Regiment and of the Line” something rather essential for any new officer, many of whom spent long evenings in classes in early war camps doing “recitations” in an effort to learn their trade. Born in 1809, Cooke was a career army officer with long service in the dragoons and cavalry. He took part in exploration and military expeditions in the west, including the Mexican War, with actions against various Indian tribes and in Kansas and Utah. He made Colonel in 1858 and Brigadier General of Volunteers and US Army in November 1861. He did not see active service after the Peninsula Campaign in 1862, but remained in the army until retiring in 1873, having received brevet to Lt. Colonel in 1847 for service in California and in 1865 to Major General for his Civil War service. Ironically he is best known for his family connections- having Jeb Stuart as a son-in-law, who remarked over the split in the family when the war started that his father-in-law would regret remaining loyal to the Union but once, “and that would be constantly.”
The book is inscribed on the flyleaf in pencil, “E. Peck / Company D.” A quick check of CWData revealed 80 US soldiers by that name and initial, thirteen of whom served in cavalry units. Of these we found just one, Lt. Ezra J. Peck, who served in a company D. The rosters may not pick up all transfers between companies in a unit, so we can’t say for certain this is our man, but we do note a flourish between the first initial and last name that could be a “J” and it certainly fits that a new officer would be carrying and studying any tactics book he could find. Peck enrolled at age 30 in Phelps, NY, in September 1861 and was commissioned First Lieutenant of Co. D in October. He served until August 1862, resigning on Aug. 19. The unit served in Washington in 1861 and was in the Department of the Shenandoah and the Middle Department with the 8th Corps during his service with it in 1862. We show vignetted photo from his portrait on CWData. This volume should find a place, in any event, in a cavalry collection or one devoted to the military manuals of the war. [sr][ph:L]
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