Andy was born and raised in New Haven, Connecticut. As a young boy growing up he had two passions, his faith and the Civil War. In September of 1979 Andy decided he wanted to be an infantryman like his Civil War heroes, so he joined the United States Marine Corps. After all, isn't the Marine dress blue uniform similar to the Union uniform? A dark blue coat with sky-blue trousers. (Guess you can tell which side he favors!) After graduation from High School he began active duty on June 24, 1980. While in the Marines he got my wish and served as an infantryman in Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, 2nd Marine Division and saw a good part of the world. Just like the Marine Corps hymn says, Andy was "in every clime and place" but never had to fire a shot in anger. Upon being discharged from active duty in July of 1983 he returned to New Haven.
In 1986 he married Lori Paige of Milford, Connecticut. Andy and Lori had two sons Joseph, born in 1990 (now an active duty Marine) and James born in 1995 (who is still working his way through high school.) In September of 1996, the couple packed up the boys and left New Haven and moved to Gettysburg, Pa. Andy’s employment with The Horse Soldier began in 1997. He worked full time until Lori's unexpected death in 2000. At that time he left The Horse Soldier for another position that would give him more time with his boys. With the help of friends he was able to return to The Horse Soldier part time weekends. In 2002, Lisa Mattson, also a Horse Soldier employee, and Andy were married. He again now works full time at the shop helping customers, writing item descriptions for the web page, and occasionally manning the front counter. His faith is still his main passion with American Military History second.
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This very clear sixth-plate daguerreotype dates about 1850 and shows Lewis Henry Little, usually referred to by his middle name, as a Captain in the 7th U.S. Infantry. Born in Maryland in 1817, he was appointed 2nd Lieutenant in the 5th US Infantry… (1138-1808). Learn More »